Taburete 8
Year: 2021 Produced by HAY since 2024.
Prototype height 60cm in china red.
Taburete 8 is the final piece and the peak of the Familia 8 collection, which began with the chair: Silla 8.
It features a simple metal structure made from standard sections, with just a piece of plywood serving as the seat. This plywood piece curves once it is placed in position under pressure. What I like most about this stool is that it would be difficult to change or remove anything from it, since it's been optimized to the fullest.
Prototype made of wooden structure
Family 8
Red and oak 65cm height.
White and oak 75cm height.
Black and black oak 75cm height.
Red and oak 75cm height.
Green and oak 65cm height.
Black and black oak 65cm height.
Green and oak 75cm height.
Casa Camper
Year: 2024, for Casa Camper.
Casa Camper is a hotel Just off La Rambla de Barcelona designed by Fernando Amat years ago.
Keeping the essence of the hotel the idea was to play mainly on the Tentempie buffet area and on a few small areas of the hotel, like the entrance or the top floor common area.
The Box trolley
The Delta table with wheels
Red in all its variants, descompositions of the Camper logo, disproportionate Manolitos, wheels and golf balls became the aim and the concept of the whole new furniture.
The Red shelving system in the Tentempie area.
The logo stool
Red Manolito Hummer Limousine
Manolito green pants XXL
Year: 2022, together with Júlia Esqué and Jaume Ramírez for Mobles114.
We designed a piece of furniture for sleeping, working and eating. It's composed of a thin canvas stretched over the PEY table system by Mobles114, which we have slightly hacked. It is easily disassembled and transportable, and as suggested by its name the whole thing is superlight