Year: 2015 Produced by AOO from 2015 to 2020. Since then, available on demand
First version of the LU table structure was made of solid pine
LU table structure is made of solid beech and allows you to absorb a table top from 120cm to 220cm.
Delta version made of wengue
Year: 2017, for About Arianne.
Four surfaces were created to define the overall volume of the project: the kitchen surface, the showroom surface, the working surface and the workshop surface.
Year: 2013 Produced by AOO from 2013 to 2020. Since then, available on demand
Tripo is the rounded version of the Manolito stool and it has evolved with different models: the rounded solid version, the sandwich rounded version and the hexagonal version.
Height: 40cm
Initially, a first prototype was made in aluminum
Height: 25cm